Average class size, by school

March 10, 2016

For all CMS K-5 and K-8 schools, the average number of students per classroom, in descending order:

160307FacilitiesHeader400Hawk Ridge 22.44
Davidson 22.13
Prov. Spring 21.98
Eliz. Lane 21.74
Park Road 21.54
Polo Ridge 21.49
Washam 21.41
Elon Park 21.15
Cornelius 21.13
River Gate 21.05
Olde Prov. 20.91
Matthews 20.85
Smithfield 20.75
Sharon 20.71
Myers Park Trad. 20.59
Ballantyne 20.51
Bain 20.46
Hornets Nest 20.35
Highland Cr. 20.29
Dilworth 20.28
Selwyn 20.21
Barnette 20.11
Newell 20.1
Berewick 19.88
Torrence Creek 19.77
Pineville 19.6
Crown Point 19.46
Clear Creek 19.29
Endhaven 19.25
Huntersville 19.23
Trillium Springs 19.13
Palisades Pk. 19.11
Beverly Woods 19.07
Mountain Is. 19.05
Idlewild 18.85
Whitewater 18.76
Cotswold 18.71
Grand Oak 18.7
Eliz. Trad. 18.69
Reedy Creek 18.66
McKee Road 18.55
Chantilly 18.51
Croft 18.45
Oakdale 18.44
Mallard Creek 18.35
Allenbrook 18.32
Steele Creek 18.21
Parkside 18.19
J.H. Gunn 18.12
Lawrence Orr 18.1
Merry Oaks 18.1
Winget Park 18.07
Blythe 18.03
River Oaks 18.01
Greenway Pk. 17.91
Nath. Alexander 17.84
Albemarle Road 17.81
Hidden Valley 17.75
Briarwood 17.73
Piney Grove 17.68
Morehead 17.65
Collinswood 17.63
Billingsville 17.56
Waddell 17.55
Long Creek 17.54
Lake Wylie 17.49
McAlpine 17.49
Irwin Ave. 17.48
Nations Ford 17.48
Winterfield 17.44
Lansdowne 17.43
Oakhurst 17.34
Devonshire 17.33
Grier 17.31
Eastover 17.29
Winding Spr. 17.21
Univ. Park 17.18
Hickory Grove 17.16
David Cox 17.14
Lebanon Rd. 17.12
Highland Mill 17
Shamrock Gar. 16.97
Barringer 16.86
Starmount 16.83
Whitewater 16.78
Rama Road 16.65
Windsor Park 16.65
Ashley Park 16.64
Statesville Rd. 16.64
First Ward 16.61
Hunt. Farms 16.6
Paw Creek 16.57
Univ. Meadows 16.54
Thomasboro 16.42
Pinewood 16.28
Tuckaseegee 16.28
Stoney Creek 16.12
Highland Ren. 16.03
Sterling 15.85
Sedgefield 15.5
Montclaire 14.91
Westerly Hills 14.9
Bruns Ave. 14.61
Druid Hills 14.55
Reid Park 14.1
Berryhill 13.9
Oaklawn 13.76
Byers 12.02

Source: Quarterly Report on Facilities and Capital Needs Assessment, Feb. 23, 1016 Accessed at http://www.cms.k12.nc.us/mediaroom/20162017BudgetCapitalPlanInformation/Documents/2016-2026%20Facilities%20and%20Programs%20Presentation.pdf
