- About struggling readers: The adults are failingJuly 8, 2015 A reading score in Level 1 ”denotes limited command of knowledge and skills.” Level 2 ”denotes partial command of knowledge and skills.” None of the students on Level ...
- New terminology, same realityJuly 5, 2015 Above is the latest revision of an old chart. The message is always the same: Schools full of economically disadvantaged children record unacceptable levels of academic achievement. The ...
- What programs sell? Magnet lottery results offer one clueJune 20, 2015 When parents vote with their children’s future, what programmatic offerings sell in Charlotte-Mecklenburg? One gauge each year is the magnet lottery. The results of the first lottery this spring ...
- UNC expert briefs board on ‘disruptive demographics’May 26, 2015 Demographer Jim Johnson from UNC Chapel Hill met with the Board of Education and walked them through a presentation he called “Disruptive Demographics and North Carolina’s Education Challenges.” The ...
- Racial isolation, 2010-2011Jan. 13, 2012
- Teacher turnover dataJan. 12, 2012 Download the report here.
- ‘Focus’ middle schools for 2011-12Feb. 20, 2011 Circles mark the K-8 and middle-school attendance areas covered by the CMS Focus School initiative for 2011-12. That program has given teachers additional resources, and given principals additional ...
- Have we given up on boys’ education?April 12, 2010 Have we given up on boys’ education?
- Leave 3,804 Children BehindFeb. 28, 2010 Leave 3,804 Children Behind: The Video
- Manifestations of the achievement gapJune 25, 2009 Chart based on preliminary EOG scores tracks various manifestations of the achievement gap.
- Study ranks graduation rates at UNC for CMS graduatesMay 24, 2009 A Queens University of Charlotte study dated April 2009 ranked graduation rates at UNC for graduates of CMS high schools. The original link to the study has been ...
- This fall, more high-poverty elementariesApril 10, 2009 More CMS schools will open this fall with high-poverty student populations.
- Science scores are, well, abysmalDec. 28, 2008 Science scores in CMS are, in a word, abysmal.
- Where the board-certified teachers serve – and where they don’tDec. 11, 2008 Maps show where National Board-certified teachers serve in CMS – and where they don’t.
- CMS launches ‘data dashboard’Sept. 24, 2008 CMS has launched a “data dashboard” on its website for better access to test scores and other information. The link referred to in the box above has gone ...
- Reading skills, poverty in high schoolsAug. 26, 2008 Graphic tracks Critical Reading SAT scores against poverty statistics by high school.
- Achievement gaps, high schoolJune 25, 2008 Chart displays ethnic score gaps in CMS on high school end-of-course tests by subject.
- Achievement gap, mathJune 24, 2008 Chart displays ethnic score gap in CMS on end-of-grade math scores.
- Gorman’s decisions on moving principalsMay 28, 2008 CMS Supt. Peter Gorman told the school board May 27 that he would move seven principals, demoting or transferring incumbents who have led seven schools where academic improvement ...
- CMS data links poverty, low academic performanceMarch 21, 2008 Academic performance and poverty As schoolhouse poverty rates fall, scores rise – and this is neither new, nor news At a meeting with the Fellowship in February, CMS Supt. Peter ...
- Construction needs vs. lottery revenueMarch 21, 2008 The N.C. Forum’s Friday Report compared five-year school construction needs with expected revenue from N.C. education lottery.
- Students report having been in a physical fightMarch 1, 2008 CMS students reporting having been in a physical fight: Data from the 2007 CMS Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
- Students reporting being home alone after schoolFeb. 27, 2008 CMS students reporting being home alone after school: Data from the 2007 CMS Youth Risk Behavior Survey.
- Law dean asks whether Charlotte assignment puts children at riskFeb. 9, 2007 The following is the text of a speech delivered to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Bar Association on Friday, Jan. 26, 2007 by John Charles Boger, dean of the School of ...