Assignment ’17-’18 materials

In connection with major student assignment changes in 2010, the school board established that it would consider re-examining student assignment every six years. Beginning in early 2015 that discussion began.

The following materials have been collected from a number of sources, including handouts during Policy Committee meetings, links to materials discussed during the review process, and other materials germane to public examination of the interlaced issues impinging on student assignment. Links to materials and agendas specific to a Policy Committee meeting are either located on the pages devoted to that meeting, or dupllicated there. See the Assignment archive.

Suggestions of materials to reference on this page are welcome. Write us from the Contact page.

Documents and research


7-28-15 Magnets: Study visit, findings and recommendations

7-4-15 Rumberger, Russell W. (2015). “Student Mobility: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions.” Boulder, Colo.: National Education Policy Center. Retrieved July 4, 2015 from

6-23-15 Options for revisions of student assignment guiding principles

6-11-15 PowerPoint that helped Policy Committee discussion; board members got through page 10

6-11-15 Policy ADA Equitable Distribution of Resources

6-11-15 Vision Mission & Core Beliefs

6-9-15 Facilities report to board, including maps of current overcrowding

4-29-15 Policy Committee Meeting Agenda

4-29-15 Policy JCA: Student Assignment Plan

4-29-15 Regulations JCA-R: Student Assignment Plan Regulations

4-29-15 Exhibit JCA-E Student Assignment Plan Priorities – Magnet Programs (Current version, last changed 12-11-13)

4-29-15 Exhibit JCA-E2 Student Assignment Plan Priorities – Magnet Programs (2004 version)

4-29-15 Policy JFAC: Reassignments and Transfers

4-29-15 Regulations JFAC-R: Reassignments and Transfers



10-22-14 CMS 20th Day Enrollment for ’14-’15

9-1-14 N.C. Pupil Transportation Service Indicators for 2013-14




6-15-15 Vision Mission Guiding Principles rewrite, draft 2. Steve Johnston. Download as PDF.

5-20-15 Guiding Principles rewrite, draft 1. Steve Johnston. Download as PDF.