July 28, 2009
U.S. Department of Education to Award Grants
for Student Assignment Policies Facilitating Diversity
Deadline: August 21, 2009
A notice published in the Federal Register on July 22 invites local educational agencies (school districts) to apply to the U.S. Department of Education for competitive grants to arrange and pay for technical assistance in preparing, adopting, or modifying, and implementing student assignment plans that will help them avoid racial isolation and the resegregation of their schools, and to facilitate student diversity within the parameters of the current law.
Funding for these one-time awards totals $2.5M. The Department of Education anticipate awarding approximately 10 grants, with an average award of $225,000. The application period is open only until August 21; please share with information promptly with any potential applicants.
The notice was available at http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/E9-17492.htm
Additional information – including the text of the notice and the application package – was to be available soon at www.ed.gov/programs/tasap/index.html
For further information, contact Fran Walter at fran.walter.ed.gov or at 202-205-9198.